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23 8 月, 2024

Capitalising on the golden era of Japanese guesthouse investment

Thank You The Standard 👍 Great article!

【Capitalising on the golden era of Japanese guesthouse investment】

TY Property, a veteran developer specialising in Japanese guesthouses, originated as a real estate agency, but has, over the years, successfully grown into a comprehensive property developer, offering end-to-end solutions from construction to operation for investors.

Established 12 years ago, TY Property has demonstrated its strength and resolve in weathering market fluctuations. From booms to the difficult pandemic period, TY Property has remained steadfast in fulfilling its commitments and safeguarding clients’ properties. With the current favorable exchange rate of the Japanese yen and the resurgence of the tourism industry, combined with the upcoming Osaka Expo 2025, and the opening of Japan’s first casino, TY Property and guesthouse owners are poised to embrace a golden era of guesthouses in Osaka.

Tracing TY Property’s background, Keith Wong, Property Development Manager, points out that the company owner is a seasoned investor with extensive experience in property transactions. In 2011, the owner divested his assets in Hong Kong in view of their unattractive returns and explored global opportunities for higher investment returns, ultimately choosing Japan. The owner personally acquired properties in Japan to validate their investment value before deciding to establish TY Property and offering clients the opportunity to earn healthy returns together.

Contact us︰852-6381 1308



*TY-Properties Development Co. Ltd. (TY-Property)The company is solely engaged in properties development outside Hong Kong. The company does not have a license to deal with any property located in Hong Kong.

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